Thursday, August 4, 2016

Hello Families!

Mrs. Mary and I were so happy to see the majority of our new families at our Meet The Teacher night.  Thank you for coming and I hope you all enjoyed your ice cream!

Our theme this year is Jungle Animals.  We are "Wild About Learning" and very much look forward to helping your children grow in their faith, academics and social skills as well as fine and large motor skills.  We will begin the school year off by learning classroom rules, sharing and following directions.

I have a strong belief that the first thing we need to accomplish is your child feeling loved, happy and secure.  Only then will they be ready to tackle academics.  I know some of the children will have a difficult time separating from you, but please know they are in very loving and capable hands.  The easiest way for your child to transition, especially if they are crying and clinging to you, is to hand them over to either Mrs. Mary or myself , reassure them that you will be back to pick them up, give them a kiss and head out the door.  Believe me, I know how hard this will be for you!  We will direct your child to an activity that they enjoy and the majority of the time they are finished crying before you get to the car.  Of course you can always call (209) 722-6657 to check on your child and we will be happy to give you a report.

We believe you are your children's primary educators and look forward to working with you throughout the school year.  If you ever have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact Mrs. Mary or myself so together we can resolve any problems that may arise.

May God bless you all during this exciting new school year.

Miss Colcleasure (Miss C.) and Mrs. Mary